Makes You Think

Makes You Think

Aki Kalliatakis - Millionaire to Billionaire | The Success Show

April 14, 2014
On this weeks show Suzanne Styles interviews Millionaire to Billionaire speaker Aki Kalliatakis. The show is a short one this week as Chris and Suzanne are in Thornybush Game Reserve filming for Mind Power Safari


Aki Kalliatakis is the founder of The Leadership LaunchPad, a business focused on consulting and
training in customer loyalty and customer care for 23 years. His degree in
psychology gave him the basis for understanding people issues at work, and –
after working in various HR and marketing positions in a number of industries –
he focuses exclusively on helping clients improve their customer management

In addition, as a “closet academic,†Aki lectures on various MBA and
Executive Development Programmes at Wits University and Henley Management
College based in Reading in the UK. As a keynote speaker, Aki dispenses
practical advice for delighting customers, and his passionate, humorous and
entertaining style reflects his childhood dream of playing in a rock band.

Says Aki “Our only focus at The Leadership LaunchPad is to help your
business to create phenomenal levels of customer loyalty through proper customer
management. Why? Because loyal customers come back again and again, recommend
your business to others, are open to cross-sales and up-sales, and are far more
profitable for your business