Martial Arts & Life

Martial Arts & Life

The Secret of Your Consistent Karate

October 27, 2021

The Secret of Your Consistent Karate. The secret is consistency, and we all know that is the secret. The reason it is hard to describe and share with others is the idea and behavior of consistency is baked into who we are. We benefit in all aspects of our lives because of our consistency.

Inconsistency Kills Karate

Inconsistency, on the other hand, kills everything. I challenge you to find anything in life that doesn’t get killed by inconsistency. I submit you cannot. That is why it is such an important part of what we do with our lives.

The shadow of the gold watch for 20 years of service. It sounds horrid to me, yet it is not what it once was and is not the closing of life but the opening of a new phase of life. the second act. We all know of people that have entered into the military young. These folks have now left the military midlife. These folks leave with a pension, military benefits, and a new life – that new chapter. That experience is born of discipline.

Big puppies, that is who we are. We respond to the Scooby snack. We desire a reward system. Praise is important, we love rewards. The basic rule of economics is, if you want more of something, pay for it. Praise and reward are forms of payment and we act like little puppies when either shows itself.

The 80/20 rule or Pareto Distribution and The Secrete of Your Consistent Karate

The rule is simple 20% of people do 80% of the work, 20% of the products a company offers result in 80% of the sales. This is a rule that applies to martial arts as well. 20% of the people who practice are going to give it the attention it requires. The secret of your Consistent karate is being in the 20% not the 80%.

The internal motivation is the separator. People who have internal motivation, or a motivation structure that is balancing between internal and external motivation are the most productive and satisfied. Skew too far to one form of motivation or the other and the moment can become cumbersome.

Yet there are times when each form of motivation serves a purpose. One form of motivation is better than the other, yet both are necessary at times.

Listen to the podcast below to hear how and why you should choose to balance these two forms of motivation. How upon seeing the motivations for what they are you can use them appropriately and beneficially.

10 Rules of Karate for YouFinal WeaponRory Miller – Clarity

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Kris Wilder is a martial artist based in Seattle Washington. He has authored many martial art books, including the classic, The Way of Kata. Making no apologies for his obsession of Football he can be found telling any who will listen about the nuances of the Canadian Football League.