Martial Arts & Life

Martial Arts & Life

Your Success in Karate

July 28, 2021

Your Success in Karate. The conversation is splitting into two streams, but only after the breakdown of the idea. “Education is not something you can finish.” – Isaac Asimov.

Isaac Asimov

Helen Keller has something to add to the idea of continuing education as well.  And Keller’s story made more powerful in the context of her disability. B.B. King, the blues musician pointed out in a statement that once you learn something nobody can take it away from you. That is part of your success in karate. We will get deeper into the idea in a moment. Wait there is a proof point from Socrates as well.

The Black Belt Bolt

We all know about the Black Belt Bolt; the day the student gets their black belt they are out the door never to return. The reason this occurs is our school system list the grades you need to do and then you are done. It is the world we have constructed and it works for an industrial society. Learn to be productive and then go earn. Yet, longevity in martial arts is a world apart in behavior.

If we walked the talk, we would get rid of the belt system, but we don’t. That is an incongruency we indulge in. We don’t match our talk with our words and when I say we, I am including myself in that. I use a belt system and wear a belt system around my waist.

Some people are born to exceed past that the belt system. They are born inquisitive. The joy of learning can be taught, but an inquiring mind is born in my opinion.

Here is a Karate Test

Did you learn more in the first year after your Black Belt examination or all the years of colored belt? The answer is the latter. Every time I have asked this question it has the year after black belt answer. Your experience may be different and if it is you are rare – or you stopped learning. That is a sad place to be.

The podcast below goes on in respect to addressing The Black Belt Bolt. How The Black Belt Bolt damages your success in karate and it provides an answer or two to this issue.

The answer is a hard pill to swallow. You will be better off seeing it for what it is. Then moving forward, learning, growing. All the while beholden to your journey in the martial arts.

Practical SystemsBlack Belt DiscountLittle Value to a Black Belt

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Kris Wilder is a martial artist based in the semi-arid rolling lands of Eastern Washington. He has authored many martial art books, including the classic, The Way of Kata. Making no apologies for his obsession of Football he can be found telling any who will listen about the nuances of the Canadian Football League.