Liberty Southwest

Liberty Southwest

Latest Episodes

Liberty Southwest Podcast #42
January 28, 2015

Nik Ludwig joins us this week as we discuss Mesh Networks and Internet Freedom.

Liberty Southwest Podcast #41
January 21, 2015

Blake Anderson joins us this week as we talk about the trial of Ross Ulbricht. Who is accused of being Dread Pirate Roberts and was allegedly behind the website Silk Road which was launched in 2011 and shuttered in 2013. Silk Road an anonymous, Bitcoin-

Liberty Southwest Podcast #40
January 15, 2015

This week we’ll talk about what a Corporation is and what impact these entities have on our day to day lives through commerce and politics.

Liberty Southwest Podcast #39
January 06, 2015

This week we'll talk about the innovative engineer and entrepreneur Elon Musk. Some of his big ideas have and continue to affect areas such as the automative sector, rocket design and morphing human biology / computer technology into what has been coined

Liberty Southwest Podcast #38
December 30, 2014

This week we talk about CIA torture and how it ties into what is known as blowback.

Liberty Southwest Podcast #37
December 16, 2014

This week we discuss how voting initiatives and referendums tie into liberty.

Liberty Southwest Podcast #36
December 09, 2014

This week we discuss the U.S. national debt which recently eclipsed $18 trillion dollars.

Liberty Southwest Podcast #35
December 01, 2014

This week we discuss what Permaculture is and examples of this form of sustainable living.

Liberty Southwest Podcast #34
November 25, 2014

This week we talk about GMO’s and the impact they have on our lives. We also touch on the Michael Brown situation in Furguson, MO.

Liberty Southwest Podcast #33
November 18, 2014

This week we talk about agricultural subsidies and the business of big government.