The Millionaire Matchmaker Love Report with Patti Stanger

The Millionaire Matchmaker Love Report with Patti Stanger

Latest Episodes

Rules & Regulations of the Millionaire Matchmaker
March 05, 2014

Do you ever wonder what it takes to get on The Millionaire Matchmaker? Have you imagined yourself being one of the women, waiting to be picked by one of the millionaires? Have you thought about how your life would change if one of these guys fell head o

Relationship red flags
February 26, 2014

Most people go into a relationship like a car entering the freeway. They see an opening in traffic, an opportunity, so they hit the gas and hope for the best. Women especially. They meet a man. They've been single for a while. They want it to work out.

How to tell if a guy wants a relationship
February 21, 2014

So you're dating. He says all the right things. You sleep with him. Then all of a sudden, the man that said all the right things. The man that claimed he wanted a relationship. Is making himself vanish like the poltergeist ghost in the movie. So how

How to Negotiate the Ring
February 12, 2014

First off ladies, happy Valentines Day! Don't fret if a man is not in your life right now. It's okay, because there's plenty of men, and if you followed the Love Report and read me all the time, you know that I am going to help you find love in 2014. It

How to meet men online
February 05, 2014

Every day in a magazine or on a website, you’ll read a story about some woman who met her dream man online. You’ll hear all about how he swept her off her feet, how they fell madly in love, and how they now live in a beautiful house with their two chi

Women with penises and men with vaginas
January 23, 2014

Have you heard the saying there are a lot of men walking around with vaginas nowadays? How about women who have penises? Listen today as David Wygant and I talk about how too many out there are walking around with their man-ginas. And too many women le

The Wolf of Dating
January 15, 2014

Join David and I for this weeks podcast, called ‘The Wolf of Dating’. We talked about the new movie “The Wolf of Wallstreet” and how it can transform your dating life. No, we're not talking about getting people to invest in some weird penny stoc

Why 2014 Will Rock
January 04, 2014

What will you reflect on this year? As the last moments of 2013 disappear and the new year comes into focus, what did you embrace and what did you learn last year? What was your one defining moment…what was the biggest lesson you learned last year? M

How to Create Your Dating Persona
December 18, 2013

Are you one of those people with a vacation mindset? You know what I mean. You visit a friend in Los Angeles for the weekend. And for some reason or another, you can meet people. It's easier. But when you got home, you just don't feel the same. You can

“I Will Make Them Understand”
December 11, 2013

Have you seen the movie The Little Mermaid? One of the best Disney movies of all time because it had so many great social statements. No, not that a woman that can turn into an octopus and take over a mermaid empire. Though that sounds like fun. But on