LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 303 – Music Is Amazing

February 28, 2016

This week’s show has Chris and Cari talking Skirmish of Skirmishes, learning new musical terms, and finding out that Bob cubed really doesn’t want Cari to play.
Audio Version:

What We Did in Game

Questing towards Minas Tirith
Crafting – Getting my gathering professions up
Skirmishes – Tuckborough and Prancing Pony

Cari Mac –

Trying to Play in Pelargir

Data Center Update

They are not moving the servers to Amsterdam.
PvMP issues should ease up with Update 18. They are adding some client side stuff.

Game Issues
Answer from Vivianne: We have not stopped looking into the issues that remain. We acknowledge they are there and we continue to look into them, but we have moved from problems that everyone is experiencing and things that our server monitoring systems can show us, to problems that a subset of users is experiencing, which makes tracking down those specific problems and reproducing them to find a solution more difficult without specific data. This is why I am asking for bug reports and contacting technical support. We need data like time the problem is happening, your location in game, and your location in the real world, your ISP provider, your hardware specs, etc, to piece together a pattern we can then investigate. Forum posts tell us that you are seeing issues, but they do not give us the specifics we need to diagnose. You can tell you doctor over the phone your symptoms, but they still need to see you in person to diagnose the disease because there is other data they can only get in that way. Putting in a /bug automatically sends us the background data we need to match up to the symptoms you are describing. We have folks that go through those bugs every single day to parse out the information we need to diagnose the issue, but when we don’t have data to work with, we are working blindly which takes more time.
We are and will continue to work on resolving the issues some of you are seeing. One thing we would like to point out is that for everyone here saying they are submitting bug reports, we get no more than 5-10 reports per day on lag or disconnects. This number is actual detailed bug reports and not posts to the forums here. We also read the posts here on the forums, but in many cases just telling us it is happening, does not really help us narrow down the issue or issues. This is why we ask for detailed bug reports, rather than just post telling us to fix it. If the solution was something simple, the team would have fixed it by now so everyone playing could have a good experience. However since it is not simple, we need as much information as we can get in these bug reports.
Vivianne 2/19:
Thank you for reporting this. We are restarting those login instances now so that message should clear for you shortly. Additionally we believe we have found the cause of the intermittent login issues and are working on a longer term solution. We are also continuing to work on some additional remedies to help the lag and disconnects although those are unlikely to be resolved this weekend.
The LOTRO Game Servers will be brought down on Wednesday, February 24th from 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT) for Maintenance. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon!
Great video exploring the motifs an