Lost Skills Podcast

Lost Skills Podcast


January 23, 2017

Well it has happened. President trump has been inaugurated.

Now its official president Trump is now the 45th president of the united states. There are still many that are baffled why Donald Trump won the election. I decided to put together a podcast to try to explain why i think Donald trump won the presidency. I was reading an article about why Donald Trump won in Wisconsin. It surprised me while i was reading it because it was like i wrote it myself. So i decided to do a podcast on what i thought.
Now do i think President Trump will fix everything ? I don’t know. Will he make america great again? I sincerely hope so . For people to  hope for him to fail is insane, its like hopping on a plane and hoping the pilot isn’t very good at his job and crashes the plane with you on it. It just doesn’t make any sense if you think about it logically.
Am i a big President trump supporter? Well i think i will sit back and see how he does while i still work towards personal independence. I would advise you do the same while watching what the government does. You may not be able to directly influence what they do, but you can influence those around you. If enough people do that we may see real change.
Announcement !!!
Now i have Lost Skills Podcast stickers available for 3 dollars each, e-mail me @ jeff@lostskillspodcast.com with LSP sticker in the subject line for more details.
Here are a couple of pics of the stickers.

Also go check out our friends at zulusurvival.com It is a survival site with well written articles on survival and preparedness written by Lee Morgan. He is a very active member of our community. I can say with all confidence Lee probably has the most researched articles around. He is an animal when it comes to research!!  Go check his site out !!
Listen in to hear Gardening in 2 minutes with Holly and Joey Baird. They run the site  Wisconsin vegetable gardener.com so please go check them out !!
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I would like to hear your comments and suggestions so e-mail me at lostskillspodcast@gmail.com or jeff at lostskillspodcast.com . Stop by and visit my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/lostskillspodcast or comment on my web page. Also feel free to comment in the show notes. I hope you all like today’s show and thank you for listening,