Lost On The River

Lost On The River

Lost On The River Ep. 3

January 09, 2018

Aaron Sharpe returns and explains what important event kept him from attending episode 2. Bill Furbee takes us down the Herzog history hole with a tribute to Patti Page and we'll hear one of her songs recorded at the Herzog studio. Ray Vietti from The Harmed Brothers plays a couple brilliant tunes and joins the gang for a conversation about community, songwriting, and Cincinnati as a touring band's dream. Finally we're joined by Courtney Bolender-Phenicie from cincymusic.com. She'll discuss rebranding, upcoming festivals, and everyone plays "Guess the Bunbury Headliner."
Big thanks to our sponsors, the Thunderdome Restaurant Group - bringing you favorites like the Eagle, Maplewood Kitchen and Bar, Krueger’s and Bakersfield. Also, thanks to Ottos Covington, and Eli’s Bbq.