Long Story Long

Long Story Long

Ep.15 Swagger On 100thousand Trillion - Long Story Long

February 13, 2016

Mr. West is in the building, at least thats how Leasa see’s it. Episode 15 the precursor to Valentines Day. Leasa continues on happiness high-horse around all things love related. Thanks to The Game Leasa feels that her stretching has all been worth it. There are a lot of mentions of The Game throughout this episode really. Cant escape the Kardashian’s ever in life so there’s a bit of Yeezy and OJ talk. Leasa questions why people front so hard with Meme’s Gifs and pseudo Bible scriptures? Is this an online persona that people are putting on? The first guest in LongStoryLong history calls in. Download, Subscribe, Rate, Comment. Tell a Friend to Tell a Friend

Music produced by JsouL The Black Sinatra @jsoulmusic
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