Loaded Dice Cast – Loaded Dice Network

Loaded Dice Cast – Loaded Dice Network

Loaded Dice Cast Episode 58: Gaming To Go

January 12, 2015


Loaded Dice straps into our podcasting rocket and gets ready to launch into 2015 like a monkey getting launched into space.  And this time on Loaded Dice Cast we are discussing the board games we are bringing with us.  Kevin Loaded Dice is joined by Vince, Attackturkey and Loaded Dice Network Stream Queen Ashley to talk about small box games you can take with you on a plane, train or automobile, although, none of us are capable of driving right now, so we'll have to take the bus.

Evan reviews Hitman:Go from DOWNTOWN.

Our Draft talks about the expansions to boardgames nobody ever asked for and nobody would ever want.



Citadels (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/478/citadels)

Love Letter (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/129622/love-letter)

Zombie Dice (http://www.sjgames.com/dice/zombiedice/)

Ashley's Stream (http://www.twitch.tv/ashleyawoww)

Attackturkey's Stream (http://www.twitch.tv/attackturkey)