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Out With Dad is funding Season 4 with Patreon Episode 102

May 11, 2015

The successful and popular series, Out with Dad, has returned for another season following the story of Rose and Nathan dealing with the former's experiences after coming out of the closet.
Jason Leaver left Season 3 with an ending that he and many fans were satisfied with. Leading up to it's release, the series creator affirmed that it would be the last season for the show and that he would move on to other projects. Part of that statement has turned out to be true: while Jason has indeed started working on other projects (#KateConwayIsAJerk for one) it appears he just can't stay away from his baby for at least one more round.
To keep on top of the web series game you've got to be as innovative as you are creative, and to this point Jason has turned to a different method to take care of the production bill. Patreon is a crowdfunding platform launched in 2013 that allows fans or "patrons" to support artists by donating a set amount of money for each work of art made. So for web series, this means a viewer subscribes to paying money for either each episode released or each month.
Out with Dad Season 4 is using Patreon to fund the next chapter in its story. Jason talks about how he decided to bring the show back for another season and how using Patreon has changed how he is filming it.
@OutWithDad on Twitter