Limited Release

Limited Release

VanWebFest Interview with the Late Bloomer Show - Bonusode #081

March 26, 2015

Let your ears take in the awesome ambience in this one. The sounds of Granville Island are very fitting for this interview.
I miss the BC weather so badly. Back in Ontario it's getting nicer but while I was in Vancouver I was able to sit outside with the lovely Kate Kittrell and talk to her about her series.
The Late Bloomer Show is a series and blog for those who love to learn how to grow their own food. Kaye got the idea one day when she "got in touch with her dirt" as she will tell you, and started out shooting her show with an iPhone 4.
She now has just released her 60th episode and works with an editor plus an equipment upgrade.
But the most impressive part of this series is that Kaye manages to shoot all of the footage herself and has taught herself how to be effective in shooting nature b-roll, capturing clean audio while living under a flight path in LA, as well as how to garden the hell out of her yard.
Fans of gardening will love her show. Fans of shooting your series yourself will love the interview.