Limited Release

Limited Release

Interview with Suzette Laqua, founder of VanWebFest - Bonusode #075

March 17, 2015

There's the intro that I recorded on the first day of the festival!

So after you listen to that, I figured it only made sense to hear from the Vancouver WebFest founder, Suzette Laqua.

How did the festival come into creation? What made her move into web series in the first place? And what is her favourite series to watch?

Suzette was terribly enchanting to interview and I'd like to thank her for (eventually) giving me some of her time. Running a festival is no easy feat and does not leave one with a lot of time to talk to bearded podcasters, but she gave me some time to talk into the mic and had a big smile on the entire weekend.

The 2nd year of the festival was a success and here's to hoping for a 3rd next year. LR would be glad to come back.

@VanWebFest on Twitter