Limited Release

Limited Release

Fan Commentary of Asset Ep 1-3 - Bonusode #071

November 30, 2014

Tasked with recording this week's bonusode, Candice armed herself with the Yeti mic and recorded her own commentary track while she watched episodes of Asset.

Here are three steps to listen to this week's bonusode:

1) Go to DailyMotion ( or (

2) Listen to this bonusode and at the 1:50 mark when Candice says "Pressing play!" you press play on the first episode of Asset

3) Adjust the volume on the player with Asset just low enough so that you can hear Candice's commentary overtop of the action

Just like a commentary track on a Blu-Ray for a movie, you can watch along with Candice and hear her thoughts and funny quips about the show.

Visit the Asset the Series Official site for more about the show

Don't forget to check out the Limited Release Podcast site for the accompanying blog post to this bonusodes.

Like the idea of more commentaries for other shows? Let us know by leaving us a comment in the blog. If there's more interest in commentaries then we'll happily do more for you!