Living Smart & Well: Monday, 2pm ET

Living Smart & Well: Monday,  2pm ET

Evidence of Eternity with Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer

July 13, 2015

EVIDENCE OF ETERNITY: Communicating with Spirits for Proof of the Afterlife is the newest thought-provoking book by Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer® which brings decades of experience, wisdom and spiritual study together.

This groundbreaking and uplifting journey into the afterlife removes fear and superstition surrounding spirit contact. This book is intelligent, entertaining in style and presents the scientific basis and theories concerning life after death, spirit communication (both human and animal), karma, and reincarnation.

Every chapter of this awe-inspiring book features enlightening and comforting stories of Mark helping people communicate with spirits of loved ones. EVIDENCE OF ETERNITY tackles many questions and concepts about the afterlife—what it’s like for those who are there and their perspective on difficult subjects including crime, homicide, and suicide.

Interwoven with these stories are new and innovative concepts developed by Mark Anthony the Psychic Lawyer® which explains the nature of spirit communication in easy to understand language. Each concept is based on scientific principles, theoretical physics, physiology, theology, and credible evidence supported by Mark’s research.

EVIDENCE OF ETERNITY is endorsed by the top near-death experience (NDE) researchers in the world including Dr. Kenneth Ring, who wrote, “There are many points of resonance and consistency between Mark’s work and the research on NDEs. The fascinating aspect of EVIDENCE OF ETERNITY is that messages from the other side take up the story after the NDE trail goes cold, but the two fit together like the proverbial hand and glove.”