Living Smart & Well: Monday, 2pm ET

Living Smart & Well: Monday,  2pm ET

The Best of Inez Bracy: What Father's Want

June 09, 2014

On this Encore Presentation of Living Smart & Well, host Inez Bracy talks about the intangibles that fathers want!  Those things that are ‘free’.  She will share information from Dr. Philip Valentine and chat with Leon McAllister.

Is it just a tie, iPad or some other electronic?  Or does it go deeper than material things?  Yes, material things are nice…but what about the love, respect, intimacy and other intangibles?

Could it be that in our quest to purchase the next ‘it’ item for our father that we forget the most important.  We forget to spend time, even if it is on Skype, forget to share our lives (because we’re so busy), and forget to even say “I love you.” .

What are you doing this Father’s Day to show you your father that you care?