The Living In Drive Motivational Podcast | Motivation, Encouragement and Personal Development

The Living In Drive Motivational Podcast | Motivation, Encouragement and Personal Development

Strike the Iron and Make It Hot

October 27, 2014


Don’t wait until the iron gets hot for you to strike, but make the iron hot from you striking it! Whatever it is that you want to be successful at, start working on it right now. You can’t wait until tomorrow because that may be too late. Be persistent, consistent and determined to accomplish your goal.

For example: if you have an axe trying to chop down an oak tree, and you hit it in a bunch of different places, what will happen? Do you think that tree will come down? Absolutely not. It’ll be pretty bruised up, but it will be a very long time before that tree comes down using that chopping strategy. What do you think will happen if you hit the tree in the same place 1,000 times? After a while of dedication and persistence, you’ll be yelling “timber” because it’s coming down.

Whatever you do, be consistent. If you’re posting on social media to promote your brand, be consistent. It doesn’t matter the number of times you do it as long as you’re being consistent and you start right now. If you’re having weekly business meetings, be consistent. If you’re exercising to get in shape, be consistent.

I know it may be difficult, but the real reward isn’t in the end result, it’s in the strength that you gain in the process of the struggle.

Set a goal, have a plan, stick to it, stay focused and most importantly, don’t move too slow. Don’t wait until the iron is hot, strike the iron and make it hot!

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