Living Grace Ministry

Living Grace Ministry

Latest Episodes

The Grace Experience: The Kingdom Experience
August 07, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. “Your will be done. Your kingdom come.” What does it mean to pray this over your life on a consistent basis? How can we experience the reign of God in our lives right now? So glad you asked – let’s

The Grace Experience: The Blessing Experience
July 31, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. You were called to bless others, even when they mistreat you. This is the most blessed life, to be a blessing and so to be more blessed. 

The Grace Experience: Keeping the Word
July 24, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus tells us that if we love him, we will keep his word. Keeping the scripture in our lives is an important discipline and means of receiving God’s grace, that we can remember all that God desires to teach us. 

The Grace Experience: The Grace Identity
July 17, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Our identity drives who we are. What we need most is to have our identity anchored in our divine adoption as a son and daughter of a living God, and we need to be reminded of who we are on a daily basis. 

The Grace Experience: Receiving Grace Everyday
July 10, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Grace is given to all, but not all receive it. It’s closer than you think. It’s free. And it’s wonderful. If we would only just receive. 

Truth is…: Declaration of Dependence
July 04, 2017

Massage from Pastor Steve Khang. 

Truth is…: The Fate of All
June 26, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. An inevitable truth—you’re going to die. We have limited days on this side of eternity. This can drive us to despair or a realization of the need to savor our days and live them to the utmost for that which really matters

Truth is…: You Are Not the Exception
June 19, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Our world is one of highs and lows. We are told that the worst thing you can be is mediocre. And it leaves many of us bitter and disappointed. The truth is hard—yet liberating. There is a process, you cannot skip it, becau

Truth is…: Enjoy the Toil
June 14, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Many live to avoid suffering and toil, but it is inevitable. The question is: what suffering will you choose to embrace? And will you trust in the goodness of the God who gives it to you? 

Truth is…: Wind Chasing
June 05, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. What are you living for? We all live for things (and the values behind them). They will not satisfy because they are impermanent. The only thing truly worth pursuing is the kingdom that has no end. 
