Living Grace Ministry

Living Grace Ministry

Latest Episodes

The Story of Jesus: Follow
October 15, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Discipleship was a simple thing in Jesus time–it meant to follow Jesus around and learn to be like him. Is that still possible today? Modern Christians often treat discipleship as optional but we miss out on its amaz

The Story of Jesus: Without
October 09, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Religion gets a bad rap nowadays but the real problem is religion WITHOUT God. Does our religious practice bring us closer to Jesus and the heart of his ministry, or farther away?  Advertisements

The Story of Jesus: With
October 02, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The amazing good news is that the Messiah came to be with us. He will do anything to remove the boundaries that keep us from him. 

The Story of Christ: Willing to Heal
September 25, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus is willing to heal us in every way we need healing. This goes beyond just physical healing to emotional, spiritual, and mental parts of us. How we get this healing is by learning to be with Jesus and to let him fully

The Story of Christ: Kingdom Disciples
September 17, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus and to live for his kingdom now? For the first disciples it meant they were going fishing for people. What kinds of people? Let’s just say that the disciples probably weren

The Story of Christ – Prepare
September 11, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Who is Jesus? What is this good news about? The story of Jesus the Christ begins with a preparing of the people to receive this man with this good news. Are we ready to receive him? Are we ready for his Spirit to truly lea

The Words of Life
September 04, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The words of Jesus are the words of eternal life, but they can also be hard to hear. Are we able to hear life-giving words even when they are what we don’t want to hear at the moment? 

The Grace Experience: The Servant Experience
August 29, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Is it really more blessed to serve than to be served? It sounds good on paper but is it true? The grace isn’t always in how you feel, but in how God uses service to shape us in his image. 

The Grace Experience: The Perseverance Experience
August 22, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. What do we do when we fail and fall short in discipline and in our attempts to become like Christ? We experience God’s grace and we persevere. Jesus gives us the grace to persevere. 

The Grace Experience: When You Don’t Feel Like It
August 14, 2017

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Experiencing grace is easy… when your feelings and life cooperate. But when they don’t, how do we experience grace when we need it most? (Spoiler alert: it’s discipline) 
