Living Authentically After 55

Living Authentically After 55

Tell Your Story

June 28, 2016

Tell Your Story
In this episode, we discuss passing on your life story.
Facebook: Living Authentically After 55

Twitter: @livauthentic55
Reaching retirement is much like graduating from high school. It's a fresh start and an opportunity to live true to who you are. The good news is that living authentically is not based on finances, material goods, health, or other external forces. It's about who you are as a person and being who you want to be, not what others expect you to be. This podcast series will help you discover or rediscover who you are, find your interests, give you valuable information to enhance your day-to-day living, help you meet the challenges that can prevent you from living authentically and passionately, and motivate you to be young at heart and enjoy your golden years.