Live Your Potential

Live Your Potential

Latest Episodes

E02: 3 Crucial Habits for Living Your Potential
January 13, 2020

In this episode, I talk about 3 habits that are crucial to you living YOUR very best, YOUR potential, YOUR desired outcome. When it comes to living your purpose and bringing to reality a vision that you’ve set for yourself, there are a lot of ingredients.

E01: Developing Clarity
January 06, 2020

In the MindsetCEO Podcast inaugural episode, I introduce myself and discuss how clarity is one of the most important elements in developing the right mindset.

Live Your Potential Trailer
January 06, 2020

Welcome to the Live Your Potential Podcast, where we discuss how to do more, be more and live more. Subscriptions are much appreciated. If you find value, please leave a rating and a review.

36: Persisting in The Face of Obstacles
May 28, 2018

Welcome to another episode of the Live Your Potential podcast! In today’s episode, I talk about persistence and your ability to persist in the face of obstacles, and setbacks and disappointments. This is how much you believe in yourself and your abilit...

35: Stop Settling for Mediocrity
May 21, 2018

Welcome to another episode of the Live Your Potential podcast! In today’s episode, I talk about not settling for mediocrity. Marlon Brando said “Never surrender to the momentum of mediocrity.” There’s a quote that goes: “Don’t settle for mediocrity whe...

34: The Abundance Mindset
April 30, 2018

Welcome to another episode of the Live Your Potential podcast! In today’s episode, I share some thoughts on having an abundance mindset. Having an abundance mindset is essentially the belief that there are enough resources to go around or to share with...

33: Challenging Your Comfort Zone
April 23, 2018

Welcome to another episode of the Live Your Potential podcast! In today’s episode, I talk about challenging your comfort zone. You’ve probably heard it said that growth happens when you step out of your comfort zone,

32: Becoming Laser Focused
April 09, 2018

Welcome to another episode of the Live Your Potential podcast! In today’s episode, I talk about becoming laser focused, so you can in turn be more productive. Building laser focus can be challenging for some people,

31: Positive Expectations
April 02, 2018

Welcome to another episode of the Live Your Potential podcast! In today’s episode, I discuss the power of positive expectations. As one of my mentors, Brian Tracy, once said that “We will always tend to fulfill our own expectation of ourselves.

30: Goal Setting 10-Point Checklist
March 26, 2018

Welcome to another episode of the Live Your Potential podcast! In today’s episode, I share a goal setting 10-point checklist. All successful individuals, all those who have a purpose, and anyone who is looking to realize a particular vision for themsel...