Live Your Potential

Live Your Potential

E16: My Top 5 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

April 20, 2020

In this episode, I share my top 5 irrefutable laws of leadership, from John Maxwell's book, "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership".In the book, John talks about the different qualities and characteristics and virtues that make up good leadership, what leadership is and what it is not, and the specific laws that we should adhere to and follow, as we strive to become great leaders and as we live our potential…John Maxwell has over 40 years of leadership experience that he lays out in this one book, and all of the 21 laws are critically important for us to become familiar with, if we want to grow in our leadership.Hence, as I share my top 5, it’s not that they are more important than any of the others, or that they matter more, rather it’s just the top 5 laws that resonate with me the most, at the moment. And when you go through the book, your top 5 might be different, depending on where you are in your journey and in your leadership.Join me in this episode as I share 5 of the "Irrefutable Laws of Leadership"