Live Life Creative

Live Life Creative

Buying Used Gear: Is the Nikon D750 Worth It in 2021?

March 06, 2021

This episode focuses on whether or not the Nikon D750 is worth the money in 2021, but the ideas can be applied more broadly to used gear that's a few years old. YouTube and Twitter can make you think that if you don't have the newest releases then your gear is worthless, but remember those videos and tweets are being made for SEO and clicks and views.

Used gear is totally worth it as long as you know what you're going to use it for and what it's capable of. In this episode I'll talk about the autofocus, image quality, and video features of the Nikon D750 to help you decide if that's a viable option for you.

You can follow me on Twitter @dkphotoxyz or find the episode show notes at