In-Sight with Psychic Medium Lisa Bousson

In-Sight with Psychic Medium Lisa Bousson

Ep12: In-Sight with Psychic Medium Lisa Bousson_Your Authentic Self with Tammy Braswell

October 27, 2017

Do you feel like you're living your life based on the needs and expectations of others? Or are you living it based on what you really want, who you really are and expressing your purpose in your life? Tammy is going to share how you can discover, by uncovering and aligning with your authentic self, that you can experience more clarity, peace, joy and freedom in your life now

Tammy guides and supports you along the journey of who you really are. By uncovering and aligning with your authentic self, you will become comfortable in your own skin. When you turn off the world's noise that has been convincing you of who you should to be to fit in - to be accepted and deserve to be loved - you open yourself to trusting and believing in yourself. This gives you the freedom to be in charge of choices and be capable of creating your life the way you really want it to be.

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("Powering Yourself Up to Full" guided energetic audio exercise.)