Live in the Philippines Podcast

Live in the Philippines Podcast

Business permits – EAM

August 06, 2015

A while back, I had a podcast about doing business in the Philippines.  What kind of visa would you need, what type of business could you do as an expat in the Philippines.  Today, based on some follow up questions that I got from that podcast, I want to dig a little deeper into the topic.

Particularly, I was asked what type of business permits would be needed to have a business in the Philippines, and also about taxes.  Paul was wondering who you pay taxes to and that sort of thing.

Well, the process of getting business permits varies somewhat from one municipality to another in the Philippines, so it is not exactly the same in all Philippine locations, but there are some things that are consistent across locations.  The tax situation is a national thing, so that would be the same no matter where you live in the Philippines.

There are also types of businesses that you, as a foreigner can have here where you not be liable for any Philippine taxes at all, so that is something that you may want to look into.

I discuss all of this in today's episode of the Expat Answer Man.  If you have questions that you need an answer to, please leave me a voice message using the Speak Pipe application below, and I would be happy to have you as a guest on my Podcast!

Have a listen, and I hope you enjoy today's podcast, and also find it informative.

Do You Have a Question?
If you want to send a question for inclusion in a future Podcast, just click on the blue button over on the far right side of this site, where it says "Send Questions via Voicemail".

If you prefer, you can leave your question via email and I will still respond to that on my Podcast.  Just go to my Expat Answerman page to send the email to me.

Thanks again for listening, everybody!