Live in the Philippines Podcast

Live in the Philippines Podcast

Health Insurance for Travelers

March 05, 2015

If you are coming to the Philippines to live here, having some kind of health insurance is a good idea.  You need to be protected from the high cost of being sick.  Getting sick can really bankrupt you these days.

Fortunately, there are some advantages about the Philippines, though.  Primarily, the cost of health care in the Philippines is quite low.  For many cases you can self-insure here in the Philippines, because for the vast majority of services, the cost is small enough that it can be paid out of pocket.

However, if you have a major medical issue – cancer, heart attack, something along those lines, self insurance won’t be a good answer, unless your savings are substantial.  In that case, having some kind of health insurance is highly advisable.

What if you are just here for vacation though?

Many people would avail of Travel Insurance to fill the gap in coverage during their overseas vacation.  Others may just go uninsured during that time – the risk is quite small after all. But, some people look for other solutions.

Recently, I was contacts and asked about this very issue.  The caller was going to be in the Philippines for a relatively short time, a few months max.  But, he wanted to be covered in case the unexpected happened during his visit.  What could he do?

I was able to give him a few suggestions.  See what you think.  Maybe you have other suggestions, or maybe you are looking for this very information yourself.

Listen to the podcast by clicking on the play button below this line.

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Thanks again for listening, everybody!