Live in the Philippines Podcast

Live in the Philippines Podcast

Do you like Catfish?

February 26, 2015

It seems like all of us have certain foods that we like from back home, and a lot of times those exact foods are not available in the Philippines!  Often times, though, a substitute food can be found to satisfy your craving.  I am lucky, because Feyma is a real expert in finding such foods that satisfy that desire I have for something from back in the States.  At other times, though, the food that we want so bad really is available in the Philippines, we just don’t realize that it is available.

When you are in a country that speaks a different language, it is highly possible, in fact it is probable that the item you are looking for has a different name than what you are used to!

Catfish Fry

A while back, I was talking with John, a friend on Facebook.  He told me that he sure missed catfish.  I told him that I lived for about 10 years in Louisiana, and catfish is a big staple in the diet down there.  In fact, catfish is widely eaten all through the South.  I really got to where I enjoyed catfish a lot.  But, I still enjoy catfish here in the Philippines!  I eat it here often.

John was quite surprised when I told him that you can get catfish right here in Davao (John also lives in Davao), and in fact, pretty much anywhere there is a supermarket in the Philippines.  John was eager to find out how to do that, and what to look for.  I told him, and he is now enjoying his long lost catfish!

You can too!  Want to know how to get catfish in the Philippines?  Just listen to today’s podcast!  Click on the play button just below this line.

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Thanks again for listening, everybody!