Lighting The Void

Lighting The Void

Nutritional Quantum Physics And Our Energies With Nicole James

September 27, 2020
Live Weeknights Mon-Fri 9 pm, Pacific
On The Fringe FM

Nicole James is a certified functional medicine practitioner, nutritional consultant, speaker, mentor, and business coach. Through extensive research and study of ancient modalities of healing along with the latest research of quantum physics and the human bio-photonic field, she realized how powerful the mind and the energy field is: the dramatic effects it can have the body, creating wellness or illness, and how many answers lie in the healing plants of mother earth. Nicole has since evolved into The Quantum Nutritionist. Through integration of advanced laboratory testing, modern energy medicine, and ancient science she creates customize protocols and formulations of nutraceutical supplements giving her clients exactly what their body, mind, and spirit needs.

Working with the energy meridians and workings of the mind is an integral part of releasing stuck cellular emotions and subconscious patterns that are no longer serving us and influencing our state of being in every moment. Nicole created programs specifically designed for working with the physical and energetic nature of who and what we are.

DJ Steezy Stevie
Music by Chronox at