Lighting The Void

Lighting The Void

Placebo, Programs, And The Power Of Our MInds WIth Wendy Halley

September 27, 2020
Live Weeknights Mon-Fri 9 pm, Pacific
On The Fringe FM

For 20 years Wendy has had a foot in two worlds: the clinical world of the psychotherapist and the Dreamtime world of the shaman.
She is the author of several books including Slaying the Mouse: A true story of healing in the spiritual realms and is the host of the Lucid Café podcast and co-host of the satirical podcast, Inside the Box with Claire and Wendy. Her unique approach merges ancient and contemporary traditions and is grounded in the idea that we are our own best healers.
Lucid Cafe Podcast

DJ Steezy Stevie
Music by Chronox at