Lighting The Void

Lighting The Void

Divine Power Of Numbers, Vortex Math, And Divinity W/ Randy Powell

September 27, 2020
Live Weeknights Mon-Fri 9 pm, Pacific
On The Fringe FM

Expanding on the work of Marko Rodin, Randy Powell explains vortex math and the ABHA Torus from the beginning. Randy says with Vortex-Based Mathematics we will be able to see how energy is expressing itself mathematically.
Most of us are familiar with Albert Einstein and most famously his theory on general relativity (E=MC2). Einstein also theorized another idea where he attempted to connect general relativity with the forces of electromagnetism as a unified field theory. Unfortunately, Einstein was never able to make this theoretical connection, even though his theory of general relativity suggested the possibility. Decades later – Marco Rodin discovered the 9 digit pattern that is the foundation for all of the Vortex Based Mathematics. Randy being a student to Marco’s work took the fundamental sequence and by implementing the formula into a 3-D modeling program, the shape of a Donut revealed itself. Randy learned very soon that the shape of the Donut was the universal geometric design for maximum efficiency in energy transformation and an ecological method by which the universe reprocesses matter. Vortex Based Mathematics gave Randy additional insight into explaining how everything in the Universe, from the elements of the periodic table, to why every pattern in nature – from the spiral in our galaxy, to our own DNA, are all toroidal based.
Randy Powell YouTube Channel:

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