Crypto Trading 101 | Surfing the crypto and stock market

Crypto Trading 101 | Surfing the crypto and stock market

Ep16: Q&A with LST Customer (Don)

August 19, 2016

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 Silver Surfer: Welcome to LifeStyleTrading101 where we trade the markets, and you live the lifestyle. We aim to make $1,000 every week.. We don’t always win, but we certainly win more often than we lose.
Guest Introduction: Don

Silver Surfer: Today we have a special guest – one of our customers joining us to share his experience so far trading with us. Don is taking time out of his busy schedule as someone who trades while having a full-time job to share his experience so far.  And I thought it’d be really interesting to get his perspective since I know many of you have full time jobs as well. Don, pleasure to have you here.
Don: Yeah, thanks for having me.
Silver Surfer: Let’s start off with quick introduction about yourself. Kind of your experience, how many years have you been trading, what your kind of arrangement is in terms of your daily schedule.
Don:  I’m late 30s. I’ve been a saver and investor most of my life.  Maxing out 401k, buying dividend stocks via drip – pretty traditional.  Not a lot of trading in my past, not until about 5-6 years ago, I started paying more attention to overall net worth and realizing that I had a decent amount of capital not working very hard for me.  I started getting interested in more strategic investing/trading.  I my research I quickly gravitated toward technical analysis.  I studied Investor’s Business Daily, various options trading – covered calls, iron condors, etc.  Over that time of 5-6 years I got into day trading futures and found I was too busy at work to kind of keep up with that. And then not too long ago, a friend introduced me to LifestyleTrading101 and I rolled my eyes and said they’re all a scam but I’ll take a look at it. And uh, I’ve been really really extremely pleased with the results. I’ve been a part of your service since early June. And it’s been going quite well for me.
Silver Surfer: So early June, so basically a few months. You mentioned that you felt like a lot of services out there are kind of like scams. Is that what your perspective is based on your experience, maybe you signed up for other services…
Don: Absolutely. I wouldn’t say I’m a crazy person who spent $120K on services, I’ve met some folks who spent so much money on trading services that do nothing for them. But I’ve been with 3-4 different types of services all varying in the range of around $1k a year. But none of them have really helped me get to consistent profits. I think I could if I were a day trader based on the stuff I learned from one of them. But in general, I struggle to keep up with the daily tasks of work and job and a family and trading effectively. I haven’t really found anything that works for me personally. And I’ve tried many different services. But since I’ve signed up it’s been working extremely well. I’m almost floored. It kind of feels dirty but I like it. It’s working really well for me.

Silver Surfer: Yeah, great to hear. You also mentioned you’re familiar with options trading, covered calls, iron condors. Some of our members don’t have experience trading options. So curious, what was your process for learning about options, or is that something you just dabbled by experience or did you read books on it?
Don: I’m an adventurist learner myself by nature. I like to dig in and learn things all the time, so youtube videos. Reading books. There’s a book on iron condors I read, a book on basic options – kind of one of the basic getting started dummy’s book. And a lot of youtube videos. I was using ThinkorSwim as a platform prior to now, I’m using interactive brokers and ThinkorSwim, but getting on there and looking at the prices, writing them in excel, tracking what happened. Everybody learns differently, but I’ve definitely spent a lot of time learning options and because of that I’m very comfortable with understanding th...