Compassionate Healer

Compassionate Healer

5 Effects of Control on Marriage

October 21, 2014

Welcome to Your Life Reframed.  Last week we discussed 10 ways women can destroy their husband. If you have not tuned in to episode 8, I encourage you to do so before continuing with this episode.

What can happen when wives exhibit controlling behaviors?

Today, I’ll be discussing 5 effects of control on marriage:

  1. Resentment
  2. Unloved
  3. Trapped
  4. Distance
  5. Separation/Divorce

Reflection and Connection:

  • How are you holding back your husband and your own spiritual growth?
  • Are you putting on love? Daily?
  • How are your controlling behaviors creating confusion and disorder in your marriage?
  • If you are exhibiting controlling behaviors, are you honoring God’s covenant for your marriage?

Now, I know these are tough questions to answer, but without self examination, there is no transformation.


After listening to this Podcast, what are you going to implement to begin changing what’s under your control?

I would love to hear from you. Scroll down to the bottom of this post and leave a comment.

Today’s Tweetable:

Clothing ourselves in love is necessary if we want our marriage to thrive. @EdithPont...
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Rest in His Word:

An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. – Proverbs 18:15

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May you live in the overflow of God’s love!
