Compassionate Healer

Compassionate Healer

10 Surefire Ways Women Can Destroy Their Husband

October 13, 2014

Welcome to Your Life Reframed.  On today’s podcast, I discuss 10 characteristics that have the potential to create distance, increase conflict and result in separation or even divorce.

Many women I work with struggle with issues of control. When things don’t go their way, they resort to taking matters into their own hands, BUT it backfires. It results in increased anxiety, conflict and a distant partner.

Today, I invite you to share the struggles you encounter with your husband or boyfriend. I share my struggles, which I hope helps you be a bit more vulnerable and honest. As sisters in Christ, we are here to help and encourage one another.

Here are the 10 ways women can destroy their husband:

  1. Undermining
  2. Disrespect
  3. Child-Treatment
  4. De-Motivating
  5. Over-Spiritualizing
  6. Shaming
  7. Pride
  8. Selfishness
  9. Critical
  10. Deprivation

Here’s a printable checklist of the 10 Surefire Ways Women can Destroy their Husband – Checklist. Go ahead and print it before you listen in. It will help you focus and tackle those areas that need growth.

Reflection and Connection:

  • What are those areas in your life that need to be presented before the Lord?
  • How do you deal with the areas you wish your husband/boyfriend change?

You can leave a comment by scrolling down to the comment section.

Today’s Tweetable:

Identifying opportunities is the 1st step in finding solutions for change. @EdithPont...
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Rest in His Word:

An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil All the days of her life. – Proverbs 31:10-31

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May you live in the overflow of God’s love!
