Compassionate Healer

Compassionate Healer

#04 - 5 Step Formula to Improve Your Listening Skills

June 24, 2014

Today’s topic: 5 Step formula to improve your listening skills. If you are tuning in for the first time, welcome. I encourage you to listen in to podcast #3, Active listening, as that will give you a foundation for today’s podcast.

Listening is something we take for granted. Everyone knows how to hear, but not everyone knows how to truly listen! Distractions are a big factor that hinder us from listening to what others are saying.

Active or (reflective) listening is a way to respond to another person in a way the person feels they have been heard. It goes from superficial to deeper tuning to the other person’s feelings. Active listening is a skill, which means it can be learned, but it requires that we put energy to understand the person, which can be a bit intimidating for some of us.

Here’s what we cover:

  1. 7 Benefits to listening
  2. 2 Types of listening skills
  3. 5 Step formula to increase your listening skills

Here’s today’s tweetable:

When someone shares with you, they are giving you a precious gift - their life story.
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Can’t wait till you join me next time!

Remember: Reframe your life trough God’s love!
