Compassionate Healer

Compassionate Healer

#03 - Active Listening

May 21, 2014

Today’s episode: Active Listening

In this active world, listening has become an extremely difficult art form to master. We can all benefit from learning effective listening skills. Various studies stress the importance of listening as a communication skill. A typical study points that the majority of us spend 70% of our waking hours in some form of communication. Of that time, 9% is spent writing, 16% reading, 30% speaking, and 45% listening. 

In this episode of Your Life Reframed we’ll discuss:

  1. The differences between hearing and listening
  2. What makes a good listener?
  3. Quiz to help you determine where you are in your listening skills.
  4. Five tips to combat ineffective listening.

On our next podcast, we’ll discuss some things you can do to improve your listening skills. Don’t miss it!

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I hope you join me next time!

Remember: Reframe your life trough God’s love!
