Life in HD

Life in HD

Get Younger Next Year

January 13, 2020

Has your New Year resolution to lose weight hit a snag already?  Well our next show will explain how you can get back on track...for the rest of your life.  2 of the top 10 resolutions for 2020 include "exercise more" and "lose weight".  Often that goal falls short for thousands of us because the goal (to lose weight) is a short-term goal.  Making a change in lifestyle can not only help you with your short-term weight-loss goal, but also help you live strong and fit well into your 80's by turning back your biological clock.

Authors Chris Crowley and Dr Henry Lodge give us the blueprint for living healthier, longer lives in their book Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit, Sexy, and Smart Until You're 80 and Beyond.  Chris Crowley speaks with us on this episode about keys to developing healthier habits that can help you live a longer, fit life.