Life and Pencils

Life and Pencils

Episode 7: Mildly Festive, Mildly Offensive, Always a ‘Joy’

December 19, 2019

In episode 7, Jill brings up those bloody mince 'not' pies with the sponge topping again, it's not a pie Jill!!

We talk about winding down for the year and some of the things we'd like to draw in our downtime over Christmas, and how that can impact us us within our businesses as we head into the new year.

Nikki mentions how she's inadvertently used her boob to draw with pastels on occasion, which leads to a discussion on other appendages that they both find hilariously funny - because frankly, the maturity level is low.

Our recommended follows this week are @jessie_babin_fine_arts and @demilangart

So allow us to keep you company in your studio for an hour as we say goodbye to 2019 and look forward to 2020.

Merry Christmas to all of our listeners, thank you for your ongoing support - we can't wait to bring you lot's of exciting 'stuff' in the New Year. Stay safe, have fun and enjoy your break