Life and Pencils

Life and Pencils

Episode 5: Hybrid Pies, Family Ties & A Felting Demise

December 05, 2019

In episode 5, we talk about saying polite no's to friends and family who want freebies, or expect you to be available at the drop of a hat because you 'work from home'.

Jill also talks a little about her experience with the gallery and selling her first piece, in addition to her 'wool felting' story of horror!

We hear about two great people to follow @clairemilliganartist and @helen_carter_artist and learn about the charity Xmas podcast single that we'll be dropping into iTunes next week (we're not).

Of course there is cake - always cake! And Jill treats you to some smooth tunes on the recorder, which we can't decide if it's a highlight or a low point - you decide!

And Nikki just talks.....and talks...aaaaaand talks...zzzzzz etc.