The Liberty Or Zombie Podcast

The Liberty Or Zombie Podcast

Episode 16 – MorTiS NoCTu

December 08, 2011

Here is the list of Senators that have committed treason with passing of S.1867. H.R. 1540 is the House version. It now makes indefinite detention and police work by our military on America citizens legal, which doesn't mean it's lawful.Hope you enjoy this podcast!  We did our best at making such dire warnings entertaining, but we have to tell you.... it's really hard to do!!

Unfortunately, the only hope we have is a Veto by the Executive Dictator himself.  Don't bet your last loaf of bread on it happening though.

What do you do when the Government sends out a notice to your hosting company to take your site down because it doesn't like what you say?  This happened to our friend.  Here is a link to the details concerning threats received by our government.

Until Next time.... Remember!! If you don't Know your RIGHTS, then you don't have any.

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