Podcasts from the pub

Podcasts from the pub

Mash Ups

August 28, 2016

Some things just go together naturally, like tea and biscuits or Torvill and Dean.
Other combinations don’t seem such an easy fit, like chilli and chocolate or Orville and Cuddles.

In this episode we investigate the science of food duets and the mash ups of sports. We find out that Chess boxing is actually real, and get to play a round of Foot Golf with some of the leading players in the UK. Whilst they give us some tips, we find out about one of the fastest growing sports, the opportunities it’s providing and how it’s a great sport whether you’ve played football, golf, or neither.

Our music this week comes from duets, collaborations and mash ups.


Theme Song "Sly Tout Croche" by Tortue Super Sonic, 
CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 
Modified to use as theme song

Additional Music:
"Slinky" by Dlay.
Modified to use.