Letters from Norway

Letters from Norway

Reflections from the Oslo Freedom Forum 2017 – Defending Democracy

June 01, 2017

Podcast show notes

0:00 to 3:38: Introduction

The Oslo Freedom Forum was held May 20-24, 2017 in Oslo.
The theme for this year was “Defending Democracy.”

52% of the world’s population lives in oppressive regimes,
Claim that democratic processes have slowed down.

An annual conference to “brainstorm ways to expand freedom and unleash human potential across the globe.
The real question? What does “freedom,” “democracy,” and “forum” really mean when used in the same sentence?
Discuss the pillars of democracy including the right to bear (unregistered) firearms.

They forgot the right to bear arms

3:39 – 9:20: The Panel Discussion in the Park

Attended the park event on May 21 at 3-4pm in the park by National Theater in downtown Oslo.
Nick expresses admiration for bold people, willing to put their lives on the line, even if they don’t agree with his beliefs.
Reflections from the panel discussion.
The role of western countries in the Middle East.
Thoughts on President Trump, BREXIT, and Globalism.

An Illiberal democracy is one that is hollow -just in name, having phony or show elections, like in Iran. 

9:21 – 18:24: Q&A and Debate Session

Key historical events leading to modern western democracy.
Citing Ayaan Hirsi Ali, asking about Islamic ideological reform?
The panelists' response to my question.
Post-debate and discussion reflections.

18:25 – 24:44: Discussion of Key Questions

What is freedom?
Why is it so elusive?
How do you get it?
How do we keep it?
What are the tradeoffs?
Foundations of Freedom

24:45 – 30:10: Immigration Policy and Closing Thoughts

The “Equal Protection Under Law” concept (14th Amendment)
Banning symbols and clothes does not stop intent.
Applying Smart Conservatism Principals

Restricting immigration from non-Anglo-Saxon nations and extreme vetting.
Mandate more rigorous US History & Constitution curriculum and testing in schools, colleges and for those applying for residence (of any kind) and American Citizenship.

Closing thoughts on our responsibilities.

Notes & References:

Oslo Freedom Forum 2017 Overview


The Magna Carta


Ayaan Hirsi Ali




Linda Sarsour





Literacy in the Muslim World

