Let's Talk ComicsLet's Talk Comics

Let's Talk ComicsLet's Talk Comics

LTC: Episode 48 - Jeff Cannata

October 13, 2014


This week we welcome podcaster extraordinaire, Jeff Cannata, to the Let’s Talk Comics podcast. You might know Jeff from the various podcasts he does, but most notably – The Totally Rad Show. I’ve received a number of emails from you guys asking about starting their own shows, or finding a way to talk about comics in some form of multimedia and if there is anyone to learn from, it’s Jeff. Now, Jeff considers himself more of a color commentator, but the way he and the other TRS guys approached reviews and talking about industries is to be commended. We also talk about some of the other irons he has in the fire, and how he’s able to switch from topic to topic. Jeff’s love for comics is clearly evident and you’ll want to follow all of his shows after listening. So what are you waiting for, download this episode of the Let’s Talk Comics comic book podcast now!



You can find Jeff at the following places on the Internet:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeffcannata

Totally Rad Show: http://revision3.com/trs/episodes/page02.html

We Have Concerns: http://www.wehaveconcerns.com/

/Filmcast: http://www.slashfilm.com/category/features/slashfilmcast/


You can find Let’s Talk Comics at the following places on the Internet:

Subscribe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/lets-talk-comics/id756248890?mt=2

Twitter: www.twitter.com/letstalkcomics

Facebook: www.facebook.com/letstalkcomics

Google+: plus.google.com/+letstalkcomics

Tumblr: letstalkcomicspodcast.tumblr.com