Let's Talk ComicsLet's Talk Comics

Let's Talk ComicsLet's Talk Comics

LTC: Episode 35 - Box Brown

July 14, 2014

This week we welcome writer AND artist, Box Brown to the show. I first found Box because of the fantastic graphic novel he created called “Andre The Giant: Life And Legend” which chronicles the life of, you guessed it – Andre The Giant. After reading the graphic novel two times over, I was hungry for more which led me to RetroFit Comics. RetroFit Comics is something that Box got off the ground when he decided he wanted to jump into creating comics full time and used Kickstarter to do so. Hearing how he was able to build a great retail community and help others looking for that same support was inspiring to say the least. Box has a unique style that is a sight to behold for any fan. There is a bit of wrestling jibber jabbering in this episode, but we get to the core of why Box does what he does and I think you’ll really enjoy it. Great info in this episode of Let’s Talk Comics, so what are you waiting for? Listen to the show now!



You can find Box on the Internet below:

Twitter: www.twitter.com/boxbrown

Website: www.boxbrown.com

Original Art: http://boxbrownart.storenvy.com/

RetroFit Comics: http://retrofitcomics.com/




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