Let's Talk Business

Let's Talk Business

LTB 214: Are You a Red, Yellow, Green or Blue Team Member & The Most Powerful Word Is..?

January 24, 2017

Do you love your customers? Well maybe not all of them all of the time. But much of your effort and money spent loving your customers is wasted, says an industry expert, because you’re focused on the wrong thing.

We’ve all been forced to work in a team of people who we’d never chose as friends and yet we’re expected to get along with them for the good of the company. We hear from a behaviour psychologist and team builder who can explain why problems arise between team members and how to fix them.

In this week’s business insight, we discover the most powerful word in the English language.

There’s shocking news of just how attached we British are to our jobs even when we're on holiday.

We launch Fortune Copilot, our new community for small business owners and entrepreneurs.