Let's Talk About Dex

Let's Talk About Dex

8×11: Fuckin’ Dexter!

September 20, 2013

Things to do before leaving the country: sell condo, sell boat, say goodbye to coworkers, murder enemies, and listen to this week’s Let’s Talk About Dex. Phew! Good thing the last one is easy. Don’t pack up your earbuds yet, because there’s lots to discuss about episode 11, “Monkey In a Box.” Is the person we hoped would die dead yet? Is the person we thought would never die actually dead or just dying? Can we agree on who we want dead? And will you bring me drink already, I’m dying! Plus: we’ll examine where ghosts go when they’re no longer needed, alternative murder vacation destinations, and Soderquist. Yeah, him. We fuckin’ love that guy!