Let's Talk About Dex

Let's Talk About Dex

8×03: Talkos

July 16, 2013

Better pull your car over – this podcast is a doozy! Join us as we pry the lid off a crockpot full of Dexter goodness and savor the delicate and alliterative aromas of Drunk Debra, Jealous Jamie, and Querulous Quinn. We’ll ponder significant questions, like who is this Elway guy, anyway? Is garlic really the best seasoning for brains? And what’s so bad about car naps? You can enjoy this podcast fresh, or stick it in your freezer for later. Also, we have a confession to make: we shot LaGuerarbghh. Abhgeeghhugh uiohsdg burghgs. Beeeop bee bobgheggj.

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