Let's Talk 30: A Podcast About Life in Your 30s

Let's Talk 30: A Podcast About Life in Your 30s

Dear 20-Somethings: Advice Before You Reach Your 30’s

April 02, 2018

In this episode, Latesha and Tiana have some sound advice for 20-somethings on how to prepare for their 30s. We talk about everything from learning to say no to taking care of your skin. Your 20s is the time to make mistakes, travel alone, learn to cook and find your BFF4L.

How You Birthday in Your 30s
Tiana just celebrated her 32nd birthday at the end of March, and for the first time we took the day off to have breakfast with our girlfriends and go bowling…on a Tuesday! That’s how it looks to be in your 30s.

How You Shop in Your 30s
Another thing that happens when you are in your 30s is you have to sometimes travel with your friends and buy bridesmaids dresses. I’m happy to say all my girlfriends recently purchased their dresses from David’s Bridal. Check it out! My girls are going to look so amazing, I can’t wait!
Dear 20-Something, Stop Putting Pressure on Yourself
We kick off this episode of the podcast with Tiana sharing that she was so concerned about what she was doing with her life in her 20s to prepare for her 30s, that it stressed her out. By the time she actually hit her 30s, she realized she worried herself for nothing.
As women and as a society, we have a habit of putting unnecessary pressure on ourselves in our 20s. We think we have to find the love of our life, land our dream job, get married and have a baby all before we hit 30. Then when we don’t check each one of those boxes, we feel like we’re failures. The reality is, plenty of women get married in their 30s, and plenty of women have babies through their 40s. It can sometimes take a while and many low-level, thankless jobs before we land that dream job.
So to save our 20-something counterparts some time and self-loathing thoughts, we decided to lay out our best advice for women in their 20s. Here are the highlights:
Take this time to discover you
Dear 20-Something:

* Calm Down– enjoy every minute of your 20s. It’s the decade of trial and error: in relationships, in jobs, in cities, in foods, in personal style… Experiment. Fail. Learn more about who you are as a person.
* Start a Workout Routine and Build Healthy Eating Habits– I know you can eat whatever and not gain weight. That will change, so get ahead of the game and at least know how to maintain your weight and how to eat healthily.
* Start Moisturizing– It’s NEVER too soon to start a good skincare regimen. Black can eventually crack and fair-skinned ladies, you know you have to do this right away to prevent wrinkles or at least hold them off for a few decades.
* Learn to Cook– It’s not for a man, it’s for you. Learn the basics like how to boil an egg, how to make a decent breakfast, how to make a good sandwich, how to cook pasta, and what to cook when you’re hosting a dinner, for example.
* Start a Savings Account– Start easy by saving a little at a time. You’ll build up to the big bucks that will come in handy for your future large purchases (e.g. home, car, vacation).
* Rent a House– You can never really understand home ownership until you have a home. Rent a house, because inevitably something will break and you can watch the homeowner scramble to price people to come fix it, how to deal with HOAs, and how much it can cost to furnish a home and not an apartment.
* Start Accessorizing Your Personal Space– Add pictures to your walls, paint a room, find your home smell, add a door wreath… Figure out your aesthetic before you get married and have to try to explain that aesthetic to someone else.