Legion of Leia Podcast

Legion of Leia Podcast

Legion of Leia Podcast S2, Ep.22: K.Kibbee, Author of the Forest of the Fae Trilogy

November 01, 2018

Legion of Leia Podcast S2, Ep.22: K. Kibbee, Author of the Forest of the Fae Trilogy
On this week’s Legion of Leia podcast, my co-host Anastasia Washington and I welcome K. Kibbee, author of the “Forests of the Fae” trilogy. I met K. Kibbee over email after being sent her books, and I read through them in a couple days! I love them so much that I bought copies for my niece. The trilogy includes “Devlin’s Door,” “The Raven Queen” and “Lang’s Labyrinth.” It’s the story of a young girl who discovers a door to the Fairie realm, but it isn’t filled with the sort of Fairies you read about in sweet fairytales. It’s also the story of a powerful friendship between girls and an amazing adventure. I cannot recommend these books highly enough!
In addition to her YA trilogy, she also has a series for younger readers. It’s about a little Corgi who ends up being adopted by a bookstore owner. They take trips into famous books and meet magical characters. I cannot handle the cuteness of this! Those books are, “Theodore and the Enchanted Bookstore–Tale of the Spectacular Spectacles,” “Theodore and the Enchanted Bookstore–The Adventures of Robin Hound” and “Theodore and the Enchanted Bookstore–Mysterious Abbott and the Velveeta Rabbit.” Click on the links in the titles to check all her books out on Amazon.com. (The last one is on the way.)
November is NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, so we wanted to run this podcast today to inspire you to register and get started! Click here if you’re going to join me in working on a book!
Here are some more links to follow K. Kibbee on! Definitely follow her on Twitter. She writes some fantastic stuff!