Stay Happily Married

Stay Happily Married

Does Your Addiction Affect Your Loved Ones?

September 01, 2014

Does your addiction affect your loved ones?

As the awareness of mental health issues has been expanded, the acceptance of addiction as a disease has also increased. When people talk about addictions, most assume either drug or alcohol addiction. However, there are many more types that are common. Exercise addiction, food addiction, computer addiction and gambling are all common forms of addiction in today’s society. When someone is addicted to something, they have an impaired control over the behavior, they become preoccupied with the behavior and continue to engage in the behavior despite the negative consequences. Not only can addictive behavior be harmful to one’s self, it can be detrimental to your family and friends. How does all of this impact a relationship? What can we do to reverse some of the unfavorable effects of addiction in a relationship?

Earning her Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling from Walden University, Melissa Enoch-DeBerry is owner and founder of Trinity Counseling Services LLC in Charlotte, North Carolina. Following college, Melissa has volunteered with a non-profit organization, Fighting Back, a grant-funded program designed to combat societal ills in lower socioeconomic neighborhoods in Mecklenburg County. She is currently a Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist and furthering her education to become a Licensed Professional Counselor. To find out more about Melissa Enoch-DeBerry and her practice, Trinity Counseling Services LLC, you can visit their website or call (704) 921-9600 for an appointment.