Learning Chinese through Stories

Learning Chinese through Stories

Latest Episodes

2.2.19B 故事解读《卧薪尝胆》
January 05, 2017

卧 wò verb, to lie down 薪 xīn noun, fire woods 尝 cháng verb, to taste 胆 dǎn noun, gallbladder ...

2.2.19A 故事《卧薪尝胆》
January 05, 2017

The King of Yue did not give up after losing to Wu in the war of Kuaiji. Instead, he restarted hi...

1.3.22B 故事解读《郑人买履》
January 04, 2017

郑 Zhèng noun, name of a country in Chunqiu era 履 lǚ noun, ancient Chinese word for "shoe(s)" 先...

1.3.22A 故事《郑人买履》
January 04, 2017

This ancient dude who lived during Chunqiu era(BC 770-476) chose to run back home to fetch the nu...

2.2.18B 故事解读《盘古开天地》
December 07, 2016

宇宙 yǔzhòu noun, universe 混沌 hùndùn adj, chaotic 巨人 jùrén noun, giant 忽然 hūrán adv, suddenl...

2.2.18A 故事《盘古开天地》
December 07, 2016

About the origin of the world, there are different versions of stories under different religions ...

3.2.3B 故事解读《童年危机》
November 28, 2016


3.2.3A 故事《童年危机》
November 28, 2016

Crisis is approaching to a lot of Chinese kids who are the "only child" in their families, when C...

2.2.17A 故事《给予树》
November 28, 2016

Mom was mad when she found her 8-year-old youngest daughter spent all of her Christmas money on c...
